A problem arises when trying to return an array from a function or pass array to it
How to reproduce:
- you have a .NET DLL using it as a COM Object
- you have a function in a class that returns an array of any type
- you create an instance of this class using CreateObject
- you call the function that returns an array
- test the array using IsArray() and VarType() and Ubound()
- the object is truly an array and its VarType() denots its type and Ubound() gives its valid size
- then you an item in the array it will give you error "Type Mismatch" !!
- VBScript datatypes are all based on a basic type called "Variant" which may corresponds to the "Object" data type in .NET
- its logic that if VBScript can know the array type which it can access, so why when trying to access a certain item in the array it gives "Type Mismatch" !!!!
- i think that this is due to a diffrence in implementing and viewing the array from the prespective of .NET and the prespective of VBScript
- Some solutions on the newsgroups said that you must return your datatype as an Object and this worked in some cases
- the version of the VBScript processor DLL may have also an influnce in producing this problem
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